Feb 19th, Manel, bloggers and Sadie.
Manel, today is Feb. 19th, and you know what that means.
Thanks for being the bestest friend ever. Lovin's and hugs to you! Mail on the way..
Micke, nice blogg, I will follow it!
I also follow this blog daily: http://lammisens.bloggagratis.se/#1401298 By Lammis.
Mr. Banxx how is your trip going? This man from Norway is on a very cool 6 month trip thru South America, starting in Brazil, ending in New York. http://www.travelmarket.no/travellog/obanken
Over 100 visitors yesterday! Yayyy! How cool! Thanks for reading :) This is a great way to keep in touch, although i prefer the "live" contact, like in the good ol' days.
Haha and YES, the Swedish driver's licenses are pink. I will post a picture of mine when I get to it.
I want to be somewhere else today, FOSHOOOO.
Like curled up on the couch with Sadie and her Dad.

The sexy Sadie.
Then I'm picking Rowan up for some cupcake baking tonight.

I have some kind of cold going on! No fun!
Here are some pics from a beach walk after the snow and rain.

A Tuesday that seems like a Monday.
Stuff piling up on my desk and inbox. I'm on top of it tho, it's a productive day.
I spoke to my brother this morning, it's weird sometimes to be headed to work in the morning traffic, eating breakfast in the car and it's night time there and he is home after a day of work or school making dinner..
But, anyways, he said him and some friends are going to our summerplace in the South of Sweden for a weekend. I want to go too! It's like 2 years since I was there, out in the wild forrests and lakes where we spent all our childhood summers and breaks. So many memories from there, beautiful days as a kid, just exploring everything, fishing, baking blueberry pies with mom of berries we picked our selves, canooing, feeding horses and cows and just having perfect carefree days with no worries about anything. I want to go back in time sometimes.. Healthy outdoorsy lifestyle did us well.
The summerhouse is tiny but so idyllic and cute, and even when it rains, (sommar-stuga!!)
It's very nice to just relax indoors and drink tea.
However, i think my bro and his friends will be drinking everything else than tea ;)
My good old friend Carita emailed me a picture of her little Camilla! Looks just like her mom except she got the viking blonde hair :)

Seriously, could you believe she had a baby? Look at that gorgeous superwoman/mommy!
I went by Old Washington Rd, thanks for the Valentines wishes and thank you dear mom for the card!
Lovins to you all.

Valetines Weekend!
Monday was Presidents day so this was a long weekend! Fri-Mon. Life is good.
My favorite person Christopher came to visit.

At Mosaic

A nice ride in Annapolis..And Christopher my dear baby brother in Sweden is soon going to get to drive this, NOT JEALOUS AT ALL BTW .... I'm just not going to talk to you, ever.

Me giving Chris some tips and ideas about how to build muscle.


Swedish pancakes.
Important days coming up :
-Bobby Feb 24th.
-Manel Feb 19th.
-Micke is coming to Bmore Apr 10th.
-10 days countdown.
Vacation days, Vegas, New Orleans, Travolta and change of haircolor.
I like the girls trips, they are the best, but I'm not sure if I have enough vacation days to go to New Orleans, with Sweden, I want to make a summer trip and a X-mas trip, Outer Banks, Miami and all..But New Orleans sounds fun, Bourbon Street! What's with the necklaces ;) ?

Outside the New York hotel..

Mandalay Bays beach pool. Love that place.

Maybe I'll blackmail my boss with these pictures:

Playin' air guitar or dancing with an imaginary lady friend? Is this Travolta or Jon, no one knows.

Obvious message? This would look weird unless I knew he was pointing at the maraccas this unknown lady was holding in her hand. I have no clue what she is pointing at tho.
Also, I am blond again.

One more day well wasted
After work I was a nurse, taking care of a hurting neck, after that, Arundel Mills Mall. Laundry, cleaning and emailing.
Q is leaving to go home to Lincoln tomorrow. He's been last minute packing stuff. He walked around with my headthingy, looking like a teletubbie.
Happy B-day wishes to Linda in N.Y. Oh and Jen Aniston turned 40 today!
Watch this movie if you get a chance, one of my absolute favorites, Amelie from Montmarte.

One of the last dinners in Elkridge.
Feb 10th

Msn messenger up at work of course!
Today I got emails from 3 people I havent heard from in forever. One of them I havent been in touch with since 96 haha! I was soo happy and excited to hear she named her daughter Camilla, as I am the only person with that name she knows! So good to know they are all doing good,having a great life and doing their thing!
Please read this, small changes can do so much.
A trip to Ikea, I like this right here:

And then, a trip to Lowes to get plexiglas, that place gives me anxiety. So many tools, supplies and stuff that I have no clue what they do.

I get to go home! Yayy
Our business seminar generated some interesting feedback too.
-A talking bra. A bra will have a variety of positive and negative messages, communicated by the choice of person wearing it. People think is a fantastic idea.
-A message display at the front or back of your car,showing messages to other drivers, such as "MOVE" or 'Turn your lights on"


Need a car wash.
Manel sent me a link to another blog, which became one of my favorites. It's been selected as one on Times Magazines Top 100 Fashion Influencers.
A man who takes pictures of random people sporting different clothes and looks.

Class and the cool home.
Now take a look at this crazy interior design. That's future.

Picked up some of the few things from Old Washington Road today.
Q and I went to Annapolis and it was a beautiful, warm day, lots of people downtown and we ate at Middletons.
When did every Annapolis resident get a dog? Dogs everywhere. Even on the boats!
Kevers is still mad.
Im planning my Sweden vacation for this summer, let me know who all is going to be home and who not.. I'd like to see all my cutie patooties!
On the list:
-My dear Manel.
Feb 7th.
Work. I'm working on a thing with images, and it needs done asap.
The kitchen needs organized, Q is putting up the curtains as we speak.
Im surprised over the amount of things I have. I thought of myself as being good at getting rid of unuseful stuff but
I dont know. Manel and I did an invetory in my closet this summer and got rid off clothes, but looking at the situtation now I could get rid of more than half of it. By the way Manel, where have you been all weekend?
Kevers is mad.
I went to the old place and it looks so weird and empty. And it is kind of sad, it has been my home for some time, GOOD MEMORIES! Nothing can compare. I will miss that place in a way and in a way not at all. Home is where our hearts are.
Afternoon coffee in Ellicott City with Nick, a friend's friend who I haven't seen in forever.
Viva's Pinups!
This place is in New Jersey, you just show up and they'll style you, make up and hair and set up sceneries. How cool is that?

Breakfast and then to work..
.. on a saturday. Today is goin gto be productive.
Last night was fun! Almost got crasched by some cars during a police carchase on 295, A trip to Ikea and I saw Magda and Tamika's family and watched Forgetting Sarah Marshall with Q.
Who all is going to Annapolis today?
Oh also, I saw that I have had 70 visitors on this blog! How nice!
Cloud Watching and Photoshop :)

I'm a nerd, I like taking pictures of clouds :) I took these pics in Santa Fe, New Mexico last year.
That is btw one of the coolest places I have ever been to.
I love New Mexico, it's so warm and sunny, mountains, dessert,
seriously good food and art. They have art everywhere. Even their dumpsters and K-Marts look artsy.
I spent 2 weeks there for school and training, http://www.santafeworkshops.com/
and got to train with Rick Allred,
and Steve Yadzinski,
Both super talented and super nice people.
This was the classroom,

When I was not at class I tried to do sightseeing.
I drove about 45 min thru dessert to get to the rumored Indian fleamarket. I parked and walked in to the area with stands, tipis and tents with my big camera and was told that this was an Indian reservat, they could confiscate the camera! "Can't you read the signs?" To be honest the signs were so big I missed them.
This is horror: On the way back I had a car incident. I got my little rental car stuck on a big piece of lumber on the road, so the car was stuck on top of it, in the hot dessert of New Mexico. My cell did not have any reception out there. I was thinking coyotes or scorpions would attack me pretty soon, because I could for sure not sit in the car, it was boiling hot.. I tried all possible ways to get the lumber out from underneath the car or and after a little while 2 Indians (yeah real Indians with long hair and funny clothes) came to look and be amazed how I even could have gotten it stuck like that.
They said there were no motor vehicles in the area but there were probably going to be a truck coming to town the next day.
When hearing this I just gave up, sad (but not crying!) and they felt sad for me. They gave me some water and said it was going to be fine, no worries little lady. After looking at it one more time, one of the guys got an idea of him sitting on the trunk, the other one pushing and me driving, we tried it and the car moved off the lumber a couple of inches. We did it again and oh my God it made bad sounds and left some serious marks underneath the car. But it came off after a couple of tries and I hugged these Indians and I could continue my way back to Santa Fe.
I was so bummed i didn't tell about this to anyone, not at the school, not a word to anyone I spoke to hahaha..
oh no,
I talked to one of my favorite people ever, while organizing (7 more days) And finally, when I had cleared out the bags and boxes I went to bed at 2.30 am. At 5 am a person calls and let's it ring till I aswer, then hangs up on me. Wrong number.
I could not go back to sleep even though I was super tired.. and the sun was up and shining, I havent gotten my curtains up yet! This is going to be a loooong day hehe.
Im meeting Madga tonight in Upper Marlboro. Yayyy!
Ok to you all who asked me to make this blog, where are your blogs?? Your turn!

Magda from Germany, Magda from Poland and me, in the drunk beach bus.
Barbie turns 50, and the coolest wall paper.

I want that third wallpaper, the Stockholm City Line.
Where is Butik Grandpa??
having fun with candy at work.
.....an early Happy Valentines wish!

My good old friend Micke from Sweden is coming to the States in March! Im syked! He's off to adventures in Hawaii, California and such fun places. The purpose of the trip is pursuing his skydiving hobby. Daredevil! This man has the best hobbies ever. Skydiving, collecting novelty cars, building super nice furniture, building his own little house in the mountains by himself, cooking, interior design, photography, treasure hunting with GPS, DJ'ng and lots of other things..he just got himself a surfboard!
He'll make a stop on the East coast and stay with me and we will try to scoot in as much sightseeing as possible.
I need to come up with a good plan to cover most of the interesting stuff around here.
By the way, I getting rid of my old car in Sweden, a.k.a Muffins. Micke is helping me with all the things involved for a person living out of country sigmning a car on to someone else realtes to.. but for now, we are stuck with paperwork, I cannot sign the title off to anyone and to order new titles and registration papers they need my signature.. We'll see how this turns out. Micke has been fixing with good ol' Muffins and one day he accidentally locked the only set of keys in the car while it was running! In order to manage this he had to break the window or lock, dont remeber, but it sounds hilarious.
I have a doctors app. today, so Im just chillin and waiting.