Feb 10th

Msn messenger up at work of course!
Today I got emails from 3 people I havent heard from in forever. One of them I havent been in touch with since 96 haha! I was soo happy and excited to hear she named her daughter Camilla, as I am the only person with that name she knows! So good to know they are all doing good,having a great life and doing their thing!
Please read this, small changes can do so much.
A trip to Ikea, I like this right here:

And then, a trip to Lowes to get plexiglas, that place gives me anxiety. So many tools, supplies and stuff that I have no clue what they do.

Postat av: Henrik
Ibland är det bra med facebook.
Smickrande att dom döpte sin dotter efter dig men Camilla är ju ett fint namn. Har du ngn koll på hur vanligt Camilla är bland nyfödda? Jag har inte gjort några efterforskningar på facebook men det kanske man borde göra. Finns kanske nya Henrikar där ute =) Kram kram