To do this week:
-Book flights for work.
-Glossies done ASAP.
-Continue unpacking. This will never end.
-Illustrator classes.
-Clean car.
-Class on monday.
This years trips are going to be to fun places. Philadeplhia, Canada, Anaheim CA, New York, Memphis TN and other pending shows. One of the pending is Paris.. I hope! Althought, last year I really looked forward to San Jose, but the show went on so late every night, and we tried to attend every big name party and hang out with customers that there were no time to explore San Jose. So after a week in San Jose, all I had seen was the airport, our hotel and the show hall right across from the hotel. We had a great time tho!
Manel's blog.
This lil lady is so much better in keeping, updating and posting on her blog.. Please visit, and read about fashion and the fancy fancy stuff.
Your'e dearly missed my friend!
The tattoo..
..IS due for a touch up soon! ( See the Jagermeister bottles in the background ) Hope Bobby has time this week. Im already thinking of things to add to it. PATIENCE.