some ideas..
..about how to make life easier.
-No furniture -Nothing to clean.
-Be naked -No laundry.
-No cell phone -No ways of missing calls, get woken up at 4 am by someone who dialed wrong + no bills! Good huh?
-Order take away food, no mess in the kitchen, just throw away the little container. Even easier, have an open fireplace and burn it up so you dont have to walk out the trash.
-Dont have a mailbox.
-Don't have people over. People = Mess.
-Have an automated email reply sending out "hi, thanks, got your email, totally agree"
-Get a job 2 minutes from home.
-Don't go to the gym, take the escalator when possible.
Some pics from last years Outer Banks trip! There aren't many pics taken normally, bc it's all sandy and wet.
Tonight I'm driving there for the weekend to hang out with Zu and her Todd and a couple who's friends with them.
They already got there last night (lucky people who don't have to work) and I am driving there after work, but Im getting scared of the traffic, it is a Friday and it is the beach, so, we will see I guess.
en hemma-dag
Den har helgen, imorgon alltsa, aker jag till stranden med en tjejkompis o hennes man o nagra andra. Helgen efter det aker jag till Rockland, som ligger precis utanfor NYC ror o halsa pa min killes familj, alla ar jatte goa. Vi brukar kora in till staden o ga fika o shoppa lite.
Dem nya sandalerna, hade inte sett just den har varinten nanannanstans.
Har ar min finfina ring som jag designat sjalv, vitt guld, sma diamanter och en brun topas.
Vill tipsa om min kompis Manels blogg igen, har ar den:
dagarna gar
Det ar snart Juni och halva 2009 har gatt. Det kanns ju som det har gatt valdigt fort eller hur?
For mig har det varit ett bra ar, jag har en underbar kille som jag alskar sa mycket, jag flyttade till min nya fina lagenhet som har gym, bio o pool och allt sant skoj, jag har hunnit resa mycket redan, 3 resor till NYC, 4 resor till Buffalo, de foljande resorna blir till andra stallen.
Den har bilden tog jag hos mamma i Sverige i julas, det ar en liten brygga vid Haringe slott.
Idag skulle jag opereras men sa blev det inte, blev hemskickad med mediciner, det ska nog funka det med, hellre det an fa en kniv i sig. Mycket roligt da jag traffade lakaren for nagra veckor sen sa sag han lite bekant ut.. han sa detsamma och undrade om vi hade setts forut. Idag nar jag sag honom igen sa kande jag igen vart jag kande honom ifran, han var en akut lakare pa ett sjukhus jag hamnade pa for ett och ett halv ar sedan.. tank.. i en sadan har storstad, vad ar oddsen att man som patient nagot ar senare gar till ett annat sjukhus o far samma doktor fran det forra stallet??
At frukost med en van, efter en lang vantan, slukade i mig allt for jag var sa hungrig (man maste ju fasta infor op) och sen hem, byta om till kontorsklader och sa till jobbet dar jag sitter nu, dags o fa nagot gjort!
sa dystert
Ibland tanker jag seriost pa att bara flytta hem till mamma. Men sen brukar det ju bli battre.
give me.
Pics from the weekend.
Dinner at encore, The basket we won at the Benefit, chris and I at Thirsty Buffalo.
Steve, who I met the same night I met Chris in 2006!
Do you ever get that feeling that someone is observing you when you eat or is it just me?
Louis Burgers at 2 am..
Chris is blogging!
that's the hotness right there.
BUFFALO again..
It's all fun and games till a camel takes a chunk of your hair. Last year at the Zoomerang.
HAHA my surprised face!
Headern kom upp! Och den ser ut som en godis spya.
Den har gullungen hjalpte mig med att fixa in headern, besok hennes fina blogg!
Och nu lyckades jag andra den till nagot annat halvdant men det far ga for nu. En vanlig dag pa jobbet med mkt o gora, flera koppar kaffe och det har morgon-illamaendet alltsa.
To my english or non-swedish speaking blogreaders: I've been fighting this header for a few days, and finally I got some help and it's up. I will be working on a new one soon hahaha..
BlogLovin' -Let's Add!
Picked up Noreen and Larry today, they have been in Ireland.
Meeting Magda on Thursday.
And as usual Im missing the man, like every Monday, when he goes to Buffalo. On Fri i am going ther einstead.. our every other weekend travels..
Snart gor datorjefveln en vacker volt genom rutan.
Sunday May 10th
Mothers Day in USA.
Chris and I went to the Yankees game again and Orioles won.
We were on Kiss Cam also, very cool.
Long weekend.
Chris -Yankee fan
Me- Orioles fan.
Ahhh va glad jag blir!
Ni undrade varfor jag skriver pa engelska och inte har svenska bosktaver! Jag bor o jobbar i Baltimore USA men bloggar har pa
Hawaii Party @ Hilton!
Today I went to the New Hanover HIlton, close to work, for their Grand Opening! It was awesome, I took Jon with me!
Almost forgot the invitation!
Another pig in the corner and Jon's happy face!
Wendy Brandes!
Very nice! She has made things for celebrities such as Lindsay Lohan, Madonna, Uggly Betty and all the famous ones that I dont even know then names
of hahah! But I remember some headlines about Miss Spears leaving a photoshoot with Wendys jewelry on a few years ago!
And this is Wendys blog:
Tonight I am going to Hilton Gardens Grand Opening Party! Should be fun!!
; -)
This time of year I miss miss Sweden!! My family and friends, home, food, Stockholm, the Swedish summer (it's special!!) and the white nights. And like here, jumping off the bridge at home.. it's the ocean so it's super chilly!! Never gets warm enough, yet we swim there.
Today was a normal workday, I am taking Friday off tho, because Chris comes Thursday night. I jus tgot off the phone with him and he was packed and ready to leave after work tomorrow.. I spent the evening cleaning and doing laundry, it's very nice to have a laundry room in the apartment, the previous place I lived at I had to walk down to the basement with laundry and all.. And I can generate alot of laundry!
And today, after getting my car back, all fixed and pimped and cleaned, I went to 7eleven and end up getting a hotdog with everything on.. It's more stuff on the hotdog than the hotdog itself.. the 2 guys working there are laugning. The stuff starts running down my hands on my Blackberry and keyes, it dropps on my shirt and pants. And on my Chanel shoes that I for once wore. Mayo, cheese, ketchup and mustard, gue, tomato salsa and whatever good stuff they put on it.
Then there's no controlling it. A friendly man helped me open my car door and get in. I did not throw it away tho, I was a trooper.
Q is still not home, dont know where he's at, he usually comes home early.. It's midnight and so signs of the man.. Im hoping he didnt get caught in the nasty weather, it's T-storming out!
This is a new favorite blog I have, very cool, very cool.
This is another blog I found and it is a lil scary but interesting.. scroll down hehe..
Deleting pics
My desktop is very cluttered, old pics and new pics, pics from my camera and received from others as well.. So these are some I found today. I'll post them ehre and delete off of the desktop, like cleaning!
My arm tattoo, the new rims that were put on today!!! Yayyy! A picture of Sadie and me and some other pics..
And the last one is of my star ;)
if your'e lucky, your'e invited.
Sooo today was a super good and productive day, mus thave been because I went to bed at 8 pm last night! HAHA! When I was a kid going to bed early was a punishment, now it's a reward. I sohuld have been somewhere else taking care of a little friend who is not feeling good, but I couldn't be there today and that is sad.
I really want to get my balcony fixed and cleaned so I can start using it, asap!
Chris is coming on Thu and his brother with friend on Fri, so hopefully it will be all good for then.
Burned coffee and rain
The coffee pot somehow burned the coffee. Not cool.
I just came home from Buffalo, and believe it or not it was warmer there than here. It's raining and chilly.
I had the best weekend like every time I visit.
My flight was delayed on Fri, I ended up getting in to Buffalo very late. We went out, did some shopping, broke Chris' camera, saw some movies, ate good food and desserts and hung out! Good times.
My car is still at the shop, no word on when it's getting back.
We booked tickets for Florida too, I am sooo excited! We are flying to Jacksonville July 22nd - 26th!
Robo backstage.