; -)
This time of year I miss miss Sweden!! My family and friends, home, food, Stockholm, the Swedish summer (it's special!!) and the white nights. And like here, jumping off the bridge at home.. it's the ocean so it's super chilly!! Never gets warm enough, yet we swim there.
Today was a normal workday, I am taking Friday off tho, because Chris comes Thursday night. I jus tgot off the phone with him and he was packed and ready to leave after work tomorrow.. I spent the evening cleaning and doing laundry, it's very nice to have a laundry room in the apartment, the previous place I lived at I had to walk down to the basement with laundry and all.. And I can generate alot of laundry!
And today, after getting my car back, all fixed and pimped and cleaned, I went to 7eleven and end up getting a hotdog with everything on.. It's more stuff on the hotdog than the hotdog itself.. the 2 guys working there are laugning. The stuff starts running down my hands on my Blackberry and keyes, it dropps on my shirt and pants. And on my Chanel shoes that I for once wore. Mayo, cheese, ketchup and mustard, gue, tomato salsa and whatever good stuff they put on it.
Then there's no controlling it. A friendly man helped me open my car door and get in. I did not throw it away tho, I was a trooper.
Q is still not home, dont know where he's at, he usually comes home early.. It's midnight and so signs of the man.. Im hoping he didnt get caught in the nasty weather, it's T-storming out!
This is a new favorite blog I have, http://oliversoveralls.blogspot.com/ very cool, very cool.
This is another blog I found and it is a lil scary but interesting.. scroll down hehe.. http://betsheba.blogspot.com/
Postat av: Maria
Det har iten hänt så mkt, jodå najaden finns kvar :)
Jag bor i brandbergen det är några stationer från trovalla känner du igendet?:)
sv; Haha om jag ska vara ärlig så kommer jag inte ihåg :O haha
sv; Okej :D
Postat av: Nikolina
åh fina bilder! har du tagit de? :)
det är bra här förresten :D göra idag?
Postat av: Carro
Tack! Roligt att ha en läsare som skriver att min blogg var kul! Inte ofta det händer! :D haha.. Detsamma till din blogg, :) Så här kommer jag kika in igen..
Postat av: mccullen.
Åh, härliga bilder!
Postat av: Chocomanel
C, updates on the blog. finally!
Hoppas du har en fab weekend!